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The Comprehensive Guide to Homeschooling Your Child in 2024


As education evolves and becomes more flexible, more parents are choosing homeschooling, a once unconventional choice that is now becoming mainstream. The thought of managing a child's entire education can be overwhelming, with worries about legalities and developing a curriculum that meets academic standards. 

This guide aims to educate parents, make clear any confusion, and offer an essential service for those who are either considering or already homeschooling their children. We will educate you on the necessary steps and methods to make homeschooling effective and enjoyable.

What are the legal requirements for homeschooling? 

According to "Elective Home Education: Departmental Guidance for Parents", released by the Department of Education in April 2019,  there are no legal mandates for homeschooling parents to fulfil specific criteria, such as acquiring particular qualifications, maintaining a designated standard for premises, or aiming for their child to attain specific qualifications.

Homeschooling parents are not obligated to follow the National Curriculum or replicate traditional schooling methods. However, many families choose to send reports to monitor their child's progress and provide a broad curriculum. Homeschooling comes with full financial responsibility, including payment for public exams, which may require to attend a different exam centre.  Additionally, they often send their children to workshops and learning groups.

Homeschooling can be expensive as you'll have to cover costs for exams, books, supplies, technology, field trips, and sports activities. Additional expenses may arise if your child has special needs; the local authority might offer support. If you plan to attend educational fairs, these costs can also make a significant impact on your budget.

But, if you later change your mind and want to enrol them back in school, it might not be easy. Local authorities have a process for school placement, and homeschooling as a temporary solution won't work as they are aware of this tactic.

What should you do if you choose homeschooling?

If your child has never been enrolled in school, it's a good idea to inform the local authority that you're homeschooling to access advice and support. If your child is currently attending school but wants to start homeschooling, inform the school to avoid misunderstandings about your parental responsibilities. 

The school will notify the local authority when your child is withdrawn from the register, citing homeschooling as the reason.

While you're not legally obligated to inform the local authority yourself, it's still a good idea to do so directly or through any local registration schemes available to access support and guidance. This proactive approach can make the transition smoother for your child.

If homeschooling isn't working out, contact the local authority to find a suitable school for your child as soon as possible. The local authority must find a place for your child if they're of compulsory school age, but it might not be your preferred school.

Creating an effective home education plan

A well-crafted home education plan serves as a blueprint for your child's learning journey. One of the key benefits of homeschooling is its flexibility, allowing you to create a personalised educational experience that plays to your child's strengths, interests, and preferred learning methods. This approach lets you design an education that truly fits your child, instead of sticking to a generic curriculum.

Here are some steps to consider when creating an effective home education plan:

  1. Identify your child's learning style and tailor your approach accordingly.

  2. Set realistic goals and expectations that align with your child's abilities and interests.

  3. Plan a curriculum and educational options that suit your child's learning style and interests.

  4. Create a flexible schedule that accommodates both you and your child's needs for homeschooling.

  5. Determine how you will assess your child's progress throughout the homeschool year to ensure they meet their educational goals.

  6. Seek out support groups or online resources for additional advice and guidance to help you navigate the homeschooling journey effectively.

How to identify your child’s learning style

Identifying your child's learning style and needs involves observing how they interact with information and their environment. 

Here are the four main types of learning styles:

1. Visual Learner: Visual learners prefer to process information as images and often remember visual details like graphs and maps better than spoken or written words. Characteristics of visual learners include:

   - Interest in visual arts and illustrations.

   - Good navigation skills and understanding of maps.

   - Preference for videos over reading text.

   Support for visual learners can include:

   - Colour coding notes.

   - Creating concept maps.

   - Watching educational videos.

2. Auditory Learner: Auditory learners grasp information best through listening. They excel in verbal communication and follow spoken instructions well. Signs your child might be an auditory learner are:

   - Enjoyment in discussions and talking.

   - Singing along to music or a strong interest in musical activities.

   - Noticing sounds not usually observed by others.

 To support an auditory learner, consider:

   - Encouraging them to explain concepts to others.

   - Engaging in discussions and asking reflective questions.

   - Recording lessons for later review.

3. Kinesthetic Learner: Kinesthetic learners understand best through physical activities. They thrive on hands-on learning and movement. Characteristics include:

   - Using hand gestures frequently.

   - Having good hand-eye coordination.

   - Fidgeting or moving while learning.

   Strategies to support kinesthetic learners involve:

   - Incorporating physical activities into learning like acting or using props.

   - Solving problems with hands-on tools.

   - Listening to lessons while walking or moving.

4. Read/Write learning style, where learners prefer information displayed as words. This could involve reading textbooks, writing notes, and interpreting lists or definitions.

Recognising which learning style(s) your child gravitates towards can guide your homeschooling efforts by incorporating activities and materials catering to their preferred learning mode. This understanding releases potential by allowing you to tailor educational experiences more effectively. 

Remember that many individuals may exhibit a combination of these learning styles, so flexibility and experimentation are key to finding what works best for your child.

How to determine your child's learning style

To determine your child's learning style, closely observe their actions, interests, and preferences. These behaviours can give you insights into how they best process information.

We have put together a comprehensive list of factors that can help you identify your child's unique learning style. This checklist covers various aspects that can give you an idea of how your child learns best, including their preferred methods of acquiring and processing information.

The following quiz requires completion by selecting the answer that best describes you. Please choose the option that most accurately reflects your preferences or characteristics.


Once you've answered all the questions, tally the total for each letter. This will help you identify your primary, secondary, and tertiary learning styles:

  • If you answered mostly (a)'s, your dominant learning style is Visual.

  • If you answered mostly (b)'s, your dominant learning style is Auditory.

  • If you answered mostly (c)'s, your dominant learning style is Kinesthetic.

How can you support your child's learning style?

Supporting your child's learning style involves adapting your teaching methods, materials, and environment to suit better how they learn best. Here are some strategies tailored to each learning style:

1. For visual learners:

  • Use visual aids such as diagrams, charts, maps, and infographics to illustrate concepts.

  • Incorporate colourful and visually appealing materials into lessons.

  • Encourage your child to create visual representations of information through drawing, mind maps, or graphic organisers.

  • Utilise educational videos, documentaries, and multimedia presentations to reinforce learning.

2. For auditory learners:

  • Engage in discussions and verbal explanations of concepts.

  • Read aloud to your child, and encourage them to read aloud as well.

  • Use audiobooks, podcasts, and recorded lectures to supplement learning.

  • Encourage your child to summarise information orally or engage in debates and presentations.

3. For kinesthetic learners:

  • Provide hands-on activities, experiments, and interactive projects.

  • Incorporate movement into learning through games, role-playing, and physical demonstrations.

  • Allow your child to manipulate objects, build models, or use crafts to reinforce learning.

  • Take learning outdoors and encourage exploration through nature walks, gardening, or physical exercises.

Observe your child's responses to different teaching approaches and adjust accordingly. Create a supportive and flexible learning environment to nurture their unique learning style.

Setting goals for homeschooling

When developing a homeschooling plan, it's essential to define your aims and objectives clearly. Establishing clear and achievable goals can be very effective. Here's how to set goals for homeschooling in a structured manner:

1. Identify educational priorities:

   - Begin by identifying your child's educational priorities and long-term academic aspirations. Consider their interests, strengths, and areas for improvement.

   - Determine the core academic subjects you want to prioritise, such as mathematics, language arts, science, and social studies, based on your child's age, grade level, and educational requirements.

2. Set specific and measurable objectives:

   - Define specific and measurable objectives for each subject area, outlining what your child should accomplish by the end of the homeschool year.

   - Break down larger goals into smaller, manageable tasks or milestones to track progress more effectively and ensure steady advancement throughout the year.

3. Consider learning styles and preferences:

  -  When setting goals and designing the curriculum, consider your child's learning style, whether visual, auditory, or kinesthetic.

   - Tailor instructional methods, resources, and activities to accommodate your child's preferred learning modalities and optimise their learning experience.

4. Establish realistic timeframes:

   - Set realistic timeframes for achieving each educational goal, considering factors such as your child's pace of learning, the complexity of the material, and any external commitments or interruptions.

   - Be flexible and adaptable, allowing for adjustments to the timeline based on your child's progress and evolving educational needs.

5. Include personal and social development:

   - Don't overlook the importance of personal and social development when setting homeschooling goals. Consider incorporating goals related to character development, critical thinking skills, communication skills, and social interaction.

   - Encourage your child to pursue extracurricular activities, hobbies, and community service opportunities that align with their interests and contribute to their overall growth and well-being.

6. Review and revise goals regularly:

   - Regularly review and revise your homeschooling goals to reflect your child's changing interests, abilities, and educational milestones.

   - Celebrate achievements and progress along the way, identifying areas for improvement and adjusting goals accordingly to ensure continuous growth and development.

Tailoring the curriculum  according to your child's learning style and interests:

  • After identifying your child's learning style, whether visual, auditory, or kinesthetic, select teaching methods and materials that align with their preferences.

  • Consider your child's interests, passions, and strengths when designing the curriculum to keep them engaged and motivated.

  • Explore a variety of educational options, including textbooks, online courses, hands-on activities, field trips, and educational games, to cater to diverse learning styles and interests.

Creating a flexible schedule for homeschooling

  • Design a flexible daily or weekly schedule that accommodates your and your child's needs, allowing for breaks, leisure time, and extracurricular activities.

  • Consider your child's optimal learning times and incorporate them into the schedule to maximise productivity and focus.

  • Be open to adjusting the schedule based on your child's progress, interests, and changing circumstances.

Here’s a weekly schedule template you can use:

  • Downloadable PDF of MyEdSpace weekly timetable: click here for a downloadable version. 

Developing assessment strategies for monitoring progress

  • Determine how you will assess your child's learning and progress throughout the homeschool year to ensure they meet educational goals and milestones.

  • Utilise various assessment methods, including quizzes, tests, projects, portfolios, and discussions, to evaluate your child's understanding and mastery of concepts.

  • Keep detailed records of your child's academic achievements, areas of improvement, and areas needing further development to guide future instruction and curriculum adjustments.

Getting support from homeschooling communities and online resources

  • Connect with local homeschooling support groups, co-ops, or online forums to exchange ideas, share resources, and seek advice from experienced homeschooling parents.

  • Take advantage of online educational platforms, websites, blogs, and social media groups dedicated to homeschooling to access a wealth of information, curriculum resources, lesson plans, and teaching tools.

  • Attend homeschooling workshops, conferences, and seminars to gain insights into effective teaching strategies, curriculum planning, and homeschooling regulations.

FAQs About Homeschooling in the UK

What are the legal requirements for homeschooling?

Under the 1996 Education Act, children must receive full-time, efficient, and suitable education, although there's no specific law for homeschooling.

Do I need permission to homeschool my child?

In England and Wales, you don’t need permission unless your child is already enrolled in school. In Scotland, you must request permission.

Do I have to follow the National Curriculum in homeschooling?

Following the National Curriculum isn't mandatory, but many find it a useful guide.

How can my homeschooled child socialise?

Homeschooling offers various social opportunities through community groups, sports, youth clubs, and group lessons, either online or in person.

Is there financial support for homeschooling?

Parents generally bear the cost of homeschooling. In Scotland, students aged 16-19 may be eligible for an Education Maintenance Grant.

Can my child return to traditional school after homeschooling?

Yes, children can transition back to traditional schools, often for exams or sports.

Author: MyEdSpace
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