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Terms and Conditions

Effective date: 1

Welcome to MyEdSpace!

This page shows our Terms and Conditions (“Terms”). Please read the

Terms set out below carefully and make sure you understand them before

registering on MyEdSpace, using MyEdSpace or purchasing any of our

products or services. If you do not agree with these then you cannot

register on MyEdSpace or purchase or use any of our products or services.

The Terms and Conditions are enforced to ensure a safe, stable and fair

experience for all Users of MyEdSpace.

Registration on MyEdSpace or use of any products or services from

MyEdSpace constitutes agreement to these Terms and Conditions.

MyEdSpace is the trading name of MYEDSPACE Limited, a company

registered in England and Wales (number: 13805946). VAT Reg. No


Our registered company address is:


71-75 Shelton Street, Covent Garden

London, United Kingdom


We can be contacted by email at [email protected].

The Terms and Conditions constitute an Agreement between

MYEDSPACE LTD and you, the User of MyEdSpace.


In these Terms and Conditions:

“A*-A” — means an “A*” or “A” grade awarded at A Level by the

relevant Examination body;

“Agreement”, “Terms and Conditions” or “Terms” — this agreement

between MyEdSpace and the User;

“Course” or “MyEdSpace Course” — the online learning courses made

available by MyEdSpace on our Website for use by Users;

“Examination Body” — organisations which award secondary education

level qualifications, including but not limited to A Levels;

“Parent” — a User linked to a Student who has permission to view and

manage personal and billing data and act as a Payee on behalf of the


“Payee” — a User who is either a Student or Parent and pays for products

or services from MyEdSpace for themselves as a Student or on behalf of a


“Privacy Policy” — the policy displayed on our Website

at https://myedspace.co.uk/privacy which details how we collect and store

personal data;

“Prospective Student” —refers to an individual who expresses interest in

the products or services offered by MyEdSpace and is considering or

exploring the possibility of enrolling in a course or program. The rights,

obligations, and provisions outlined in these Terms and Conditions may

also apply to the Prospective Student to the extent relevant and applicable

to their interactions, inquiries, and engagement with MyEdSpace as they

explore the potential of becoming a Student."

“Rights” — copyright, trademarks, database rights and other intellectual

property rights;

“Student” — the User enrolled in one or more MyEdSpace Courses;

“Material” — all material in whatever medium or form created by the

User on the MyEdSpace Website including video, audio, images,

messages to MyEdSpace, messages to other users, comments, text,

responses to questions, and metadata;

“MyEdSpace”, “we”, “us” and “our” — are references to MyEdSpace

Limited and the Website;

“User”, “you” and “your” — collectively refer to the individuals or

entities utilising the MyEdSpace platform. The primary user of the

platform is typically the Student accessing its services. However, it is

important to note that the term "User" also includes Parents or Legal

Guardians who may be signing up for the platform on behalf of their child

or ward. Therefore, when "User," "you," or "your" is used throughout

these terms and conditions, it is addressing the User of the MyEdSpace

platform, which encompasses both students and parents or legal guardians,

depending on their roles and interactions within the platform.

“Website” — the website https://myedspace.co.uk and all subdomains on

which we operate MyEdSpace.

1.1. Any of the foregoing definitions apply, as the context may require,

to the singular or the plural form of the term used.

1.2. In this Agreement:

1.2.1. clause headings are inserted for ease of reference only and do

not affect construction;

1.2.2. references to “writing” or cognate expressions include a

reference to email or comparable means of communication;

1.2.3. words importing one gender shall be treated as importing any

gender, words importing individuals shall be treated as

importing bodies corporate, corporations, unincorporated

associations and partnerships and vice-versa, words importing

the singular shall be treated as importing the plural and vice-

versa, and words importing whole shall be treated as including a

reference to any part thereof;

1.2.4. reference to any party includes that party’s representatives,

successors and permitted assigns;

1.2.5. references to clauses are to the clauses of this Agreement.


2.1. The User warrants that the User has the legal capacity to enter a

binding contract with MyEdSpace.

2.1.1. If the Prospective Student is under the age of 18 the User

must have obtained full consent from his/her parent or legal

guardian and both Prospective Student and Parent warrant,

they are fully aware of the Terms upon which the MyEdSpace

Course is made available to him/her as set out in these Terms

and Conditions.

2.1.2. If a User signs up without parental consent, MyEdSpace

reserves the right to terminate the User’s enrolment in the

Course and revoke access to the Course materials.

2.1.3. A Parent is authorised to register an account on behalf of their

associated Prospective Student. In cases where the

Prospective Student is under the age of 13 or does not have a

personal email address, it is expected that the Parent will link

the student’s account to their email.

2.1.4. If a Parent signs up they are agreeing to the Terms set out in

these Terms and Conditions on behalf of the Student their

account is linked to, or any Student they link their account to

in future.

2.2. The User must provide a valid email address on registration.

2.2.1. The User must confirm their email address via the link in the

confirmation email sent to them.

2.2.2. The User must set a password when completing their account


2.2.3. The User must ensure that they keep their confirmation link

and registration details secure and must not provide this

information to any third party unless explicitly granted

permission from MyEdSpace.

2.2.4. The User is responsible for all activity under the User’s

account even if someone else uses that account.

2.3. MyEdSpace Courses purchased from this Website are intended for

use by the Student only.

2.4. MyEdSpace reserves the right to alter the MyEdSpace Courses

available for sale on the Website and to discontinue any

MyEdSpace Course.

2.5. Upon enrolling in a Course, the User will gain access to the

MyEdSpace platform, which serves as a gateway to the content

specific to the purchased package.

2.6. The user acknowledges and agrees that MyEdSpace may use the

User’s personal information and data collected during the

enrolment process to provide the Course, improve its services, and

comply with applicable laws and regulations. The User's personal

information will be handled by MyEdSpace's Privacy Policy.

2.6.1. Users are required to provide accurate and relevant age

information during the registration or enrolment process to

ensure compliance with data collection laws in the UK.

MyEdSpace collects and handles personal data by the Data

Protection Act 2018 and other applicable data protection

regulations. By providing age information, Users consent to

the collection, use, and processing of their data in compliance

with these laws, ensuring the protection and privacy of

individuals, including minors, as outlined in our Privacy


2.7. The User may request to cancel their enrolment in a Course by

following the procedures outlined by MyEdSpace. Refunds, if

applicable, will be subject to the refund policy specified by


2.8. MyEdSpace reserves the right to terminate the User's enrolment in

a Course at any time, without providing any reason or explanation,

if the User violates these Terms and Conditions or engages in any

conduct that MyEdSpace considers inappropriate or disruptive to

the Course or other Users.


3.1. All prices listed on the Website are accurate at the time of

publication. While we make every effort to ensure the accuracy of

the prices, please note that prices listed on the website may be

subject to change in the future. We reserve the right to modify or

alter the prices without prior notice.

3.2. A Student, subject to any required consent, can purchase a

MyEdSpace Course for themselves, acting as their own Payee or a

Parent can purchase a MyEdSpace Course on behalf of a Student,

acting as a Payee.

3.3. MyEdSpace will take all reasonable care, in so far as it is in our

power to do so, to keep the details of the User’s order and payment

secure, but in the absence of negligence on our part we cannot be

held liable for any loss the User may suffer if a third party procures

unauthorised access to any data the User provides when accessing

or ordering from the Website

3.4. If MyEdSpace does not receive a payment promptly we reserve the

right to suspend or cancel the Student’s participation on the

MyEdSpace Course and further access to MyEdSpace may be

withheld from both the Student and Parent.


4.1. MyEdSpace may be accessed solely online via our Website

4.2. Students should be aware that completion of each Course requires

significant effort and regular participation;

4.2.1. Some modules of a Course may require more effort and time

than other modules and progression through a Course is not


4.2.2. The effort required to progress through a Course will vary at

different stages of participating in the Course;

4.2.3. Inactivity may hurt the score assigned to the Student,

potentially resulting in a lower score that reflects the period

of inactivity. MyEdSpace cannot be held responsible for such

consequences and shall not be held liable.

4.3. Upon enrolment in a course, the Student is granted an exclusive,

non-transferable, limited, personal, revocable worldwide license to

access MyEdSpace and the purchased MyEdSpace Course(s). This

license is specifically designated for the named Student, allowing

them to utilize the license and access MyEdSpace for activities

directly related to their student status. It is important to note that

courses are intended for individual use and cannot be shared or

accessed by any other individuals, excluding the Student and the

Parent who is linked to the Student's account and has permission to

manage personal and billing data as outlined in the terms and


4.3.1. Each MyEdSpace course has a specific duration, and the

Student is granted a license that corresponds solely to the

duration of the course they have enrolled in.

4.3.2. The Parent, acting in the capacity of a responsible guardian,

may facilitate and oversee the Student's educational activities

and interactions within the platform but is not granted an

independent license to access or utilize the courses outside

the scope of the contract and their role as a Parent.

4.4. The User shall not (i) license, sublicense, sell, resell, transfer,

assign, distribute or otherwise commercially exploit or make

MyEdSpace available to any third party, or the content of

MyEdSpace or any of our Courses

or our Website in any way; (ii) modify or make derivative works

based upon MyEdSpace or any Course; (iii) embed the service as

an “iframe” or “frame” from within another application; or (iv)

reverse engineer or access the Website or MyEdSpace to (a) build a

competitive product or service, (b) build a product using ideas,

features, functions or graphics that are similar to those related to the

Website or MyEdSpace, or (c) copy any ideas, material, features,

functions or graphics of the service.

4.5. When accessing MyEdSpace and using our Website the User shall

not: (i) send or store material containing software viruses, worms,

Trojan horses or other harmful computer code, files, scripts, agents

or programs; (ii) interfere with or disrupt the integrity or

performance of the service or the data contained therein, or our

Website, servers or networks; (iii) attempt to gain unauthorised

access to the Website or MyEdSpace or its related systems or

networks; or (iv) take any action that imposes an unreasonably or

disproportionately large load on our system.

4.6. The User is not permitted to use MyEdSpace or any Course to

assist in the development of their software or that of a third party.

The User must not use or copy all or any part of MyEdSpace’s

graphical user interface, operating logic or database structure for it

to be part of or to develop any software or other product or

technology unless that use, or copying is permitted by law.

4.7. From time-to-time Course, content will change to take account of

changes in the curriculum set by the Examination Body or to be

improved by MyEdSpace;

4.7.1. for the avoidance of doubt, where this occurs participation in

a Course does not entitle Students to participate in updated

Courses free of charge.

4.8. Courses cannot be paused.

4.9. MyEdSpace reserves the right to modify the schedule or content of

a Course, even but not limited to while it is in progress, without

prior notice. This right is not limited solely to schedule adjustments

or alterations to the content but encompasses any necessary changes

deemed appropriate by MyEdSpace.

4.10. All Students who participate in a MyEdSpace Course must

agree to the code of conduct



5.1. The User agrees to provide MyEdSpace with accurate and complete

information wherever MyEdSpace requests information from the


5.2. The User agrees that after termination of this agreement

MyEdSpace shall continue to own and be entitled to use the Rights

to User Material

5.3. MyEdSpace will not disclose sensitive personal information to third

parties without direct consent from the User.

5.4. The User is entitled to request a copy of the personal information

we hold on them.

5.5. For more information about how MyEdSpace processes and uses

the information we collect about Users, please see our full Privacy

Policy. By using MyEdSpace, the User is consenting to such

processing and use.


6.1. All operational queries or complaints concerning MyEdSpace and

access to any of the Courses should be addressed to

[email protected].

6.2. MyEdSpace can be accessed from any internet-enabled desktop PC.

High-speed broadband is recommended. Mobile and tablet devices

may not be supported.

6.3. When using MyEdSpace the Student must ensure that their internet

browser is up to date to ensure that MyEdSpace appears in the

correct format with its intended functionality. Old browser software

may not display questions in the correct format. MyEdSpace does

not assume liability for any issues arising from the use of outdated

browser software. It is the Student's responsibility to maintain an

updated browser for an optimal learning experience on the




7.1. All Rights on the Website and MyEdSpace Courses are and shall

remain the property of MyEdSpace or its licensors (as the case may

be) and nothing in these Terms and Conditions shall transfer any

ownership rights to the User.

7.2. The User must not modify, copy, reproduce, upload, post, transmit

or distribute by any means or in any manner whatsoever, any

material or information or download from MyEdSpace or our

Website except where expressly invited to do so or indicated on

MyEdSpace or our Website.

7.3. Upon submitting User Material on MyEdSpace, the User assigns to

MyEdSpace absolutely with full title guarantee all its right, title and

interest in and to the Rights in User Material, including specifically

the worldwide right to:

7.3.1. use, copy, host, electronically store, cache, display,

communicate, broadcast, transmit, make available and

distribute the User Material to Users in all existing and future

media and formats on MyEdSpace;

7.3.2. change, amend or develop the User Material in whatever way

MyEdSpace deems appropriate, and create derivative works

from it.

7.4. The User waives absolutely his moral rights arising under the

Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 in relation to the User

Material and, so far as is legally possible, any broadly equivalent

rights he may have in any territory of the world.

7.5. By using MyEdSpace courses, the User acknowledges and agrees

that certain data, including but not limited to performance data,

progress, and assessment results, may be collected, and processed

to facilitate the learning experience, improve the services, and

generate aggregated and anonymized statistical information.


8.1. Cancellation and termination of the courses that include live classes

8.1.1. The Payee may cancel the Agreement for the courses that

include live online classes and receive a full refund within 14

working days of purchasing the course. If the course is

purchased in advance, the Payee may cancel the Agreement

and receive a full refund up to 14 working days from the

course start date.

8.2. Cancellation and termination of pre-recorded courses

8.2.1. The Payee may cancel the Agreement for the pre-recoded

courses and receive a full refund within 14 working days of

purchasing the pre-recorded course if the content was not

accessed, downloaded, or streamed.

8.2.2. The Payee acknowledges that the once content of pre-

recorded courses accessed, downloaded, or streamed, is non-


8.2.3. By proceeding with the purchase and accessing the digital

products, the User affirms that they have made an informed

decision and understand that a refund will not be available

once pre-recorded courses have been accessed, downloaded,

or streamed.

8.3. Cancellation must be requested by emailing

[email protected].

8.4. MyEdSpace may cancel or suspend a User’s access to MyEdSpace

or MyEdSpace Courses and/or terminate this Agreement with

immediate effect if at any time:

8.4.1. MyEdSpace reasonably considers or suspects that the User

has committed any breach or non-observance of any of the

provisions of this Agreement or any of our User policies;

8.4.2. The User commits any misconduct affecting the business of

MyEdSpace or any fraud or dishonesty or acts in any manner

which in the opinion of MyEdSpace brings or is likely to

bring MyEdSpace into disrepute or is materially adverse to

the interests of MyEdSpace;


9.1. The User warrants that the User Material is and will be original

work and has not been and will not be copied wholly or

substantially from any other work or material or any other source

and that no part of the User Material shall:

9.1.1. Infringe any third-party Rights;

9.1.2. Contain anything defamatory, libellous, obscene, or otherwise


9.1.3. Contain any viruses, Trojan horses, worms, time bombs, or

other computer programming routines that are intended to

damage, detrimentally interfere with, surreptitiously intercept,

or expropriate any system, data or personal information.

9.2. The User shall fully reimburse and defend MyEdSpace from and

against any damages, costs and expenses suffered or incurred by

MyEdSpace or awarded by any court against MyEdSpace as a

result of or in connection with:

9.2.1. Any claim or action that the use by MyEdSpace or Users of

any User Material infringes the copyright or other intellectual

property rights of a third party or breaches any applicable law

or regulation;

9.2.2. Any other breach by the User of these Terms and Conditions.

9.3. Great care has been taken to ensure that the information available

on this Website and MyEdSpace is correct and error-free. From

time to time, there may be errors of fact and/or grammatical,

spelling or typographical errors which we will use our reasonable

endeavours to correct as soon as these are identified. We apologise

for any errors or omissions that may have occurred. We cannot

warrant that use of MyEdSpace or the Website will be error-free

or fit for purpose, timely, that defects will be corrected, or that the

site or server that makes it available is free of viruses or bugs or

represents the full functionality, accuracy, reliability of

MyEdSpace or the Website and we do not make any condition or

warranty whatsoever, whether express or implied, relating to

fitness for purpose or accuracy.

9.4. Save as expressly set out in these Terms and Conditions, we

disclaim any liability to the User for MyEdSpace and the Courses.

This does not affect the User’s statutory rights as a consumer.

9.5. If we are found liable for any loss or damage to the User our

liability is limited to the amount the User or Payee has paid for the

relevant MyEdSpace Course.

9.6. We cannot accept any liability to the User for any loss, damage, or

expense, whether direct or indirect, including any loss such as loss

of profits or opportunity, howsoever arising.

9.7. MyEdSpace and the MyEdSpace Courses are provided on an “as

is” basis and no condition, warranty or guarantee is offered either

to the User about the accuracy of the information provided. We

cannot guarantee or warrant to a User that a MyEdSpace Course is

suitable for the User or a particular Student. The use of

MyEdSpace and the MyEdSpace Courses provided is entirely at

the User’s and Student’s own risk and we cannot be held liable for

any loss, damage or injury suffered or incurred as a result.

9.8. MyEdSpace does not accept any liability for any delays, failures,

errors or omissions or loss of transmitted information, viruses or

other contamination or destructive properties transmitted to the

User or the User’s computer system via MyEdSpace or our


9.9. MyEdSpace shall not be held liable for any failure or delay in

delivering MyEdSpace where such failure arises because of any act or

omission which is outside our reasonable control such as an act of

God or those of third parties.

9.10. MyEdSpace has taken all reasonable steps to prevent internet fraud

and ensure any data collected from the User is stored as securely

and safely as possible. However, MyEdSpace cannot be held liable

in the extremely unlikely event of a breach in our secure computer

servers or those of third parties.

9.11. Users understand that for the courses that include mentor support,

mentor support serves as a resource for answering questions and

providing guidance in chat form, but the extent and frequency of

mentor-student communication may vary.

9.11.1. While mentors are there to answer questions and offer

support, it is important to note that their availability may not

necessarily involve continuous outreach or proactive

engagement with the students.

10. A*/A Guarantee

10.1. For our specified A*/A Guarantee Courses we offer a guarantee

to refund full tuition fees paid for the course to any Student who

purchases and fully completes our A*/A Guarantee Courses and

will not achieve an A* or A grade, as determined by the relevant

Examination Body, in the relevant examination that our course

prepares them for, subject to the following conditions being met.

10.2. The Student must have fully participated in and completed the

specific A*/A Guarantee Course. If a Student does not meet these

grade requirements in any month/module, they may become

ineligible for this guarantee. This will be demonstrated by:

10.3. Attending all live streams for their full duration, or

10.4. Watching the recorded lessons within one week of their

availability, and

10.5. Completing all homework assignments within 2 weeks after the respective lesson takes place and achieving an average grade of at least 65% across all homeworks on the first attempt

10.6. The Student or their Parent must not violate any other clause of

these Terms and Conditions or our Code of Conduct. This

includes but is not limited to, allowing the course to be accessed

by anyone other than the enrolled Student during their enrolment


10.7. The Student must sit the exam in which it was possible to achieve

the required grade.

10.8. The examination the Student sits on must be the exact examination

that the MyEdSpace Course was designed to prepare Students for.

This must be provided by AQA, Edexcel or OCR Examination

Boards. If there are any changes in the format or content of the

examination that might impact the Student's grade, MyEdSpace is

not liable.

10.9. The Student or Payee must inform us of their intention to claim a

refund via email within 14 days of receiving the results. They

must also provide official evidence of their grades in the form of a

certified document from the Examination Body.

10.10. The Course must not have been accessed by anyone other than

the Student during their enrolment.

10.11. Please note that aside from the refund of tuition fees paid for the

relevant Course by this clause, MyEdSpace will not have any

other liability if the Student does not, for whatever reason, obtain

an A* or A grade in the relevant exam.


11.1. This offer is open to an Active Payee. An Active Payee refers to a

Payee who is actively subscribed to, and paying for, a MyEdSpace

course at the time of making the referral, and has exceeded the 14-

day window for a refund.

11.2. Under the terms of this offer, we will provide a Referral Bonus -

either a £20 refund to Referrer or a £20 Amazon gift voucher for,

each "New Customer" referred to MyEdSpace through the official

referral system, once that New Customer becomes an Active


11.3. A New Customer is defined as a user who has never registered or

subscribed to any MyEdSpace courses before the referral. They

must sign up for a course using the referral link or code provided

by the Referrer, and subsequently become an Active Payee, for the

Referrer to be eligible for the Referral Bonus.

11.4. There is no limit to the number of Referral Bonuses a Referrer can

earn through this offer. A Referrer can earn a Referral Bonus for

each valid referral, provided that each referred friend becomes an

Active Payee as per the terms defined in this agreement.

11.5. The Referral Bonus will be delivered within 15 days of the

Referee’s first payment being successfully received, provided the

Referee has not requested a refund during this time period.

11.6. Payment of Referral Bonuses is due and payable only when the

Referrer claims the Referral Bonus.

11.7. This offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other new

customer promotion.

11.8. This referral scheme can only be used for personal, non-

commercial purposes. The Referrer will be responsible for any

taxes or charges that may arise due to the earning and payout of

the Referral Bonus.

11.9. MyEdSpace reserves the right to amend, withdraw or restrict this

promotion at any time without notice, although this will not apply

to users who have taken up the offer at the time of withdrawal.

11.10. The Referrer acknowledge that MyEdSpace may, at its sole

discretion, share the Referee’s first name with the Referrer or the

Referrer’s first name with the Referee. If you do not want this

information to be shared, please do not share your invitation code

or link, and do not participate in the referral scheme.

11.11. MyEdSpace is the sole arbiter of these rules and any other issue

arising under this promotion.


12.1. MyEdSpace may subcontract any part or parts of MyEdSpace

from time to time and we may assign or novate any part or parts of

our rights under these Terms and Conditions without the User’s

consent or any requirement to notify the User.

12.2. MyEdSpace may alter or vary the Terms and Conditions at any

time without notice to the User. Any updates or variations to the

Terms and Conditions will be published on the Website.

12.3. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the

parties and supersedes all previous agreements, promises,

assurances, conditions, warranties, representations, and

understandings between them, whether written or oral, relating to

its subject matter. Each party acknowledges that in entering into

this Agreement it does not rely on, and shall have no remedies in

respect of, any statement, representation, assurance, or warranty

(whether made innocently or negligently) that is not set out in this

Agreement. Nothing in this clause shall limit or exclude any

liability for fraud.

12.4. No one other than a party to this Agreement, their successors and

permitted assignees, shall have any right to enforce any of its


12.5. The User shall not assign or transfer or purport to assign or

transfer any of its rights, liabilities, or obligations under this

Agreement without the prior written consent of MyEdSpace.

MyEdSpace may assign or transfer any of its rights, liabilities, or

obligations under this Agreement.

12.6. No failure or delay by a party to exercise any right or remedy

provided under this Agreement or by law shall constitute a waiver

of that or any other right or remedy, nor shall it prevent or restrict

the further exercise of that or any other right or remedy. No single

or partial exercise of such right or remedy shall prevent or restrict

the further exercise of that or any other right or remedy.

12.7. If for any reason any provision of this Agreement is found to be

unenforceable, the remaining provisions of this Agreement shall

continue to be valid to the fullest extent permitted by law.


13.1. Notice or other communication required to be given to

MyEdSpace under this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be

sent by email to [email protected]

13.2. This clause does not apply to the service of any proceedings or

other documents in any legal action.

14. LAW

14.1. This Agreement, and any non-contractual rights or obligations

arising out of or in connection with it or its subject matter, shall be

governed by and construed in accordance with English law.

14.2. The parties irrevocably agree that the courts of England and Wales

shall have exclusive jurisdiction to hear and determine or

otherwise settle all and any claims, proceedings, suits or actions

(including arbitration) arising out of or in connection with this

Agreement or its subject matter.

Copyright © MyEdSpace Limited 2023.
Registered company in England and Wales (number: 13805946).