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Copyright © MyEdSpace Limited 2024.
Registered company in England and Wales (number: 13805946).

MyEdSpace Safeguarding Policy 2024/2025
Effective date: 1st September 2024
Last updated: 1st September 2024

Purpose and Scope

This policy outlines the measures taken by MyEdSpace to safeguard the children (ages 10-18) who participate in our live online sessions and mentorship service (“User”). It is recognised that children may be referred to as “young people” or “young adults” but for the purposes of this safeguarding policy and under UK law applicable to safeguarding they will be referred to as “children”. 

MyEdSpace (MES) is committed to the safeguarding and wellbeing of all children who participate in its services and use the platform.  All children, regardless of age, disability, gender reassignment, race, religion or belief, sex, or sexual orientation have an equal right to protection from all types of harm or abuse.

We recognise that abuse and neglect can take many forms and ask that all staff maintain an attitude of “it could happen here”. Abuse is a form of maltreatment of a child. Somebody may abuse or neglect a child by inflicting harm or by failing to act to prevent harm. Harm can include ill treatment that is not physical as well as the impact of witnessing ill treatment of others. 

Further definitions of abuse and neglect can be found in Appendix A of Working Together to Safeguard Children 2023

Legal Framework

This policy has been created with the latest legislation and policy created by the UK Government and related bodies regarding the safeguarding of children in the UK.

This includes:

Government Guidance on Remote Education

Keeping Children Safe in Education 2024

Working Together to Safeguard Children 2023

Information Sharing Guidance 2024

MyEdSpace are committed to:

  • Having a named Designated Safeguarding Lead for MES who is available to answer queries and questions from staff and advise on referrals and responses. The DSL will undergo appropriate and specific training to provide them with the knowledge and skills required to carry out their role. The DSL’s training will be updated formally every two years but their knowledge and skills will be updated through a variety of methods at regular intervals and at least annually. 
  • Establishing a secure and confidential reporting system (via email) for children to raise any issues or problems. This system will be continuously monitored.
  • Ensuring that children and their families are aware of the NSPCC helpline and other sources of support to seek help and support when they have any concerns.
  • Prioritising the welfare and dignity of children by valuing, respecting, and actively listening to them.
  • Adhering to the best practices for child protection and safeguarding through our policies, procedures, and code of conduct for staff and volunteers.
  • Developing and implementing a comprehensive online safety policy and related procedures.
  • Providing effective management, supervision, support, training, and quality assurance measures for staff and volunteers too.
  • Ensure that all personnel are confident and competent in following our policies, procedures, and behaviour codes.
  • Ensuring safer recruitment and selection of staff and volunteers by conducting all necessary checks.
  • Professionally and securely recording, storing, and using information in line with data protection legislation and guidance.
  • Involving children, parents, families, and caregivers as necessary.
  • Handling allegations against staff and volunteers appropriately through our established procedures.
  • Establishing an environment that fosters respect and promotes zero tolerance for bullying.
  • Maintaining a policy and procedure that enables us to address any bullying instances that may occur effectively.
  • Implementing effective complaints and whistleblowing measures.
  • Establishing a safeguarding culture that values mutual respect, trust, and open communication among staff and volunteers, children, young people, and their families.

Steps we take to ensure our students’ safety:

Online Safety

  • MES recognises that abuse can take place online and also that technology may be used to facilitate offline abuse
  • Following a disclosure of online abuse from a student, we will refer the matter to the DSL who will refer onwards as necessary. 
  • Students are encouraged to report any communication with another student which makes them feel uncomfortable. We recognise this may amount to child on child abuse, and will take appropriate action in accordance with the student code of conduct. 

Student Code of Conduct

  • All participants in the online sessions and mentorship service must adhere to our strict Student Code of Conduct that prohibits behaviour that could put the children or other participants at risk, such as harassment, bullying, or discrimination.
  • The MES Student Code of Conduct also outlines the consequences of violating the policy, including the potential for disciplinary action or expulsion from the program.

Communication Guidelines

  • All communication between the educator and the children, as well as the mentorship service, are conducted through official channels provided by MyEdSpace.
  • Private messaging or exchanging contact information with the children is strictly prohibited to prevent any potential risks of inappropriate communication.
  • Additionally, the educators do not engage in any personal discussions with the children outside the scope of the educational sessions or mentorship service.
  • Any communication using non-official channels or of a personal nature will be treated as a disciplinary issue and may, depending on the nature of the communication, be referred to the appropriate authority. 

Reporting Procedure for MES Staff

  • All instances of inappropriate communication, Student Code of Conduct violations and any other safety concerns, should be immediately reported to [email protected].  
  • In the report, you should include 
    • the names of all people involved 
    • which medium the incident took place over (MES platform, Discord, livestream etc.) 
    • your preferred contact information (your email, mobile phone number, home address). 

You should also include a summary of your concern (facts, not opinions) and any action you have already taken. 

Your immediate action on receiving a disclosure of abuse or neglect or a welfare concern for their own safety from a child should be to reassure them and signpost them to sources of support. 

Safer Recruitment

  • MES is committed to ensure that we develop a safe culture and that all steps are taken to recruit staff and volunteers who are safe to work on our platform.
  • A candidate’s identity should be verified by two forms of photographic identification or birth certificate if two forms are unavailable. 
  • MES conducts background checks on all staff members, including the educator, to ensure they do not have a history of abuse or misconduct, including an updated enhanced DBS check.
  • The background checks additionally include criminal record checks, reference checks, and verification of academic qualifications.
  • One reference will be checked verbally using a phone number obtained using an internet search for the company listed on the reference (phone number not provided by candidate). 

Allegations against Staff or Volunteers

MyEdSpace recognises that it is possible for staff and volunteers to behave in a way that might cause harm to children and takes any allegation received seriously. KCSIE 2024 makes a distinction between high and low level concerns. 

All allegations should be referred immediately to the DSL, who will decide if the allegation is low or high level (whether or not it meets the threshold for harm). If high level, the DSL will contact the Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) to agree further action to be taken in respect of the child and staff member. 

Staff are encouraged to self-report any instance or occasion in which they may have been perceived by a student to have behaved inappropriately. 

All allegations against staff will be treated in strictest confidence. 

Parental Consent

  • If the user is under the age of 18 the User must have obtained full consent from his/her parent or legal guardian and both Student and Parent warrant they are fully aware of the Terms upon which the MyEdSpace Course is made available to him/her as set out in Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policy and Student Code of Conduct.

Data Protection

  • MyEdSpace is committed to protecting the personal information of the children and other participants involved in the online sessions and mentorship service.
  • We comply with all relevant data protection laws and regulations and have strict measures in place to ensure the security and confidentiality of personal information.

Review and Update

  • This safeguarding policy is reviewed and updated regularly to ensure it remains relevant and up-to-date with current safeguarding guidelines and best practices.